Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A little more movement!

Well, every day I am feeling more and more movement from the baby. Not knock you over kicks or anything, just turning feeling.
Mike and Nick are also well. We have been so busy with work and fighting colds, I have not been good at keeping this up or keeping up with anyone! I will really try to do better...I guess I had better get the camera out more often too, to freshen up the pics on here...more soon....

1 comment:

  1. Oh! How exciting for you to really feel the baby move now!! God bless!!!
    Glad you are all doing better...I think everyone at this time of the year has some sort of sniffles!!!
    We have moved into our new house as of the 23rd when the movers delivered our "stuff". Now we are just trying to find a place for everything!
    It is about 8:30am and we can see a few hot air balloons passing over our house....beautiful!!!
    Have a good day...talk with you later!
    Love ya!
