Thursday, April 9, 2009

babies and food!

Hello everyone! It's been a crazy week and I'll admit, I'm pretty dang tired! We tried out a few new (to me) recipes last week and only took pics of one. But the best pics are those of the new baby through ultrasound! This is 'Baby Boyd 2.0', as Mike puts it, posing for us! :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

slide! run!

Well, I will admit I have now signed up on facebook, and it seems to take a little of my evening time! Kind of addictive really...anyway...Nicholas has been under the weather lately, but seems to be making a recovery as of yesterday. Poor little guy had fever, runny nose, no appetite, general little kid cold that makes you worry and feel sorry for 'em.

Right before he got sick I took him to the Kid's Club in Vancouver *which Nick calls the "slide place" and let him run some energy out. It has basically a HUGE jungle gym/maze that is multi-level with 4+ slides...the 'ball pit' is under reconstruction and should be back open soon...Took a few pics, and a video. Hopefully they will capture some of it's wonder. It was Portland's spring break last week and the place was really packed for the morning hours!